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Photo Journal


Hole, Norway



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My Story

The Short Version

I'm officially a middle-aged woman with greying hair, but that fact hasn't really caught up with my brain yet. I have so much to learn and so much to do before I wander yonder.  I plan on sticking around for a long time while enjoying myself fiercely. 

I live in Norway, on the outskirts of Oslo, and I'm currently on a mission to learn more about my heritage. So my master plan now is to go on lots of adventures, visit historical places, uncover curiosities and have fun along the way. 

AK Magraff enjoying a sunlit ride on an electric scooter across a city bridge, with skyscrapers in the background—capturing a moment of urban adventure in my story.

My favorite form of transportation :)


- Pippi Longstocking

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Orange graphic swirl.

The Long Version

I was born on a hot August night in Oslo to a beautiful mother and a kind father. After a year, my, at times annoying, little sister was born, and we all moved to Sweden. Four years later, we flew over the pond and moved to Connecticut, US. 

My childhood was full of adventures around our suburban neighborhood, creative outdoor endeavors, and homemade perms. There were no cell phones or access to the worldwide web, so we got good at writing notes and reading dictionaries and took pride in our penmanship. We have lost those skills now, though. 

I moved back to Norway before graduating high school and started working. I tried school, but it just didn't work out. I was fortunate and got a job in the ski museum and kiosk at Holmenkollen, a very famous ski jumping arena. Lots of young people worked there, and it was a blast. 

A couple of years later, I started my office career as a receptionist in a tech firm. One of my jobs was to allocate cell phones. They looked like small suitcases, and I remember how we all thought carrying one of those around was the coolest thing ever. 

I had some other office jobs before I took a backpacking trip to Thailand with some friends and caught the travel bug for real. But then... I got pregnant and gave birth to a beautiful baby daughter in 1990. And today, she has blessed me with two grandkids! Lucky me. I love being a granny. And yes,  I do knit :)

While my daughter was growing up, I worked my way up the corporate ladder without a high school diploma and eventually became an executive with a salary to match. However.... as the years passed, I realized corporate was not for me. It was not fulfilling, and I lived for the weekends. 

It took another couple of years before I took the plunge and quit. It was the best decision I ever made because it gave me an opportunity to travel. I bought a ticket to the magical island of Bali and spent five months living and breathing karma. It was great! Afterward, I went to New York before heading home to see what life had in store. 

I didn't know what to do; I knew I didn't want to return to corporate. And the universe heard me. Suddenly, I accepted a job as a manager for a ski lodge in the mountains of Norway. I moved to an old wooden house and spent nearly five years living in breathtaking nature. Then, corona hit, and other things got in the way, so once again, I took my savings and headed to Bali and New York. 

True to form, I find myself back in Norway, wondering what I will do. But it looks like the universe has my back this time, too. Right now, I'm working part-time as a marketing coordinator for a museum, which is right up my alley, while I'm looking into creating new opportunities. So much to learn!

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